Although I was only on the farm for a month, this was most definitely a life-changing experience. Not only did this experience build my advocacy skills, it also allowed me to learn from veteran animal activists who have been crucial members of the Animal Rights Movement from the beginning of the revolution. With my fellow interns, I also created a social network of young, angry, passionate vegans who I still talk to today. Being able to bask in the vegan bubble, spend time with beautiful farm animals, binge on yummy vegan food, and become educated on the issues surrounding Animal Rights and factory farming was no-doubt a highlight of my fairly short life.
Farm Sanctuary not only rescues and shelters farm animals, it is extremely active in farm animal rights and vegan outreach. The farm gives hour-long tours during tour season, takes interns for multiple departments, has an online and on-site store, and holds benefits like the Country Hoedown, Fourth of July Pignic, and Walk For Farm Animals, annually. Great strides for farm animals and factory farming laws, like Prop. 12 and The No-Downer Act have been started and finished by Farm Sanctuary.
I just registered for the Farm Sanctuary Former Intern Retreat in New York for a weekend in June. I couldn't be more excited to reconnect with my fellow vegans, hang out in the goat barn for some goat/sheep cuddles, take a tour or two, and rejuvenate my vegan passion. If you have the chance to visit Farm Sanctuary, PLEASE do. It will change your life, as it did mine. Farm Sanctuary is responsible for my veganism, and my advocacy for farm animals. Also, you get to pet some very sweet cow noses.
It was wonderful to meet you during our time at the farm and share some great experiences with you. I will miss the intern retreat (we are visiting in July) but I hope that you have a great time!