Monday, January 24, 2011

No more slacking here at VeganSLOdown!!

Hello lovelies,

We could give you a list of excuses as to why we've been so neglectful, but they would still be excuses, so we'll skip it. Welcome to a new year of vegan greatness!!

What's been keeping me busy? I'm really enjoying Alicia Silverstone's acclaimed book, The Kind Diet; it's full of yummy recipes and some solid discussion of the main vegan issues. She also has a rad blog, called The Kind Life, a great source for animal rights issues, as well as vegan-friendly products such as apparel, cosmetics, household items, and of course food.

I'm also kind of obsessed with SNL's superstar, Fred Armisen's new show, Portlandia. I've worked this out, calculation-style:

Fred Armisen=hilarious


Portland=Vegan Mecca


Portlandia=The best of everything for a Vegan

And yes, we know that's a huge jpg. We love the show THAT MUCH.

Check out this clip of our new favorite spoof show:



  1. Such a helpful site!!

    <3 Ladies of Eternally Fixated:
    Celeb news, fashion, & entertaiment
    Your Daily Fix :)

  2. I am actually reading the Kind Diet now. I just made the Lentil Stew and of course I with be making her chocolate Peanut butter cups. She gives a lot of good information.
